Coronavirus Update: 19.03.2020
Dear Parents and Friends of St Luke's, I am sure that you are all now aware that the Prime Minister has announced that schools will be...
'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me' Philippians 4:13
Coronavirus Update: 19.03.2020
Oxford Owl Home Access
Free Twinkl for Parents!
Coronavirus Update 17.03.20
Fun activities that you can do without a screen!
Coronavirus Advice
'Excellent' SIAMS Report
Remembrance Day
Book Bus driver sends his thanks
Welcome Back
Fantastic Achievement!
So what's happening this half-term at St Luke's?
Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas
Countdown to Christmas
The Wolves Foundation (Community Trust)
Exciting news for St Luke's!
The Botanical Gardens Feedback
Final Week of the First Half Term
Welcome Back!