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Coronavirus Update - Friday 20th March 2020

Dear Parents/Carers,

As your Headteacher, this is a letter I never thought I would have to

write. At the end of today, our school will be closed for the vast

majority of our children for the foreseeable future. We are now faced

with the most important scenario any parent, grandparent, member of

staff, family member or friend could ever face – how do we keep our

loved ones safe? These are uncertain times and only with togetherness

will we succeed with the challenges that lie ahead.

As a country, we all need to do what we can to reduce the spread of

the COVID-19 virus and that is why the government has given clear

guidance on self-isolation, household isolation and social distancing.

As you are aware, we have been told by the Government that we

need to try, where possible, to provide child-care for those parents/

carers who are deemed as ‘Key Workers’. Overnight, the Government

have issued a list of who they deem to be ‘Critical Key Workers’ in

order to respond to COVID-19. Please see below for the direct links for

more information:

I cannot stress enough that the critical message in this guidance is the


Wherever possible, children should be kept safe at home to limit the

chance of the virus spreading. Only those children who absolutely

need to attend, should do so. The fewer the amount of children making

the journey to school, the lower the risk that the virus can spread and

infect more vulnerable individuals in wider society.

As a school, we are planning on providing ‘child care’ for a small

number of children whose parents/carers who are deemed as ‘Critical

Key Workers’. However, if any of you are able to arrange your own

child care arrangements whilst schools are closed, this is the

Government’s preferred option. Please be aware that the

Government are obviously encouraging parents not to use

grandparents or anyone in the vulnerable categories for childcare.

Please read the attached letter for further information and a timetable for child care arrangements.


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