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Assessment at St Luke's

Assessment in Maths and English

Children are assessed using Age Related Expectations, using the following terminology:

Expected Standard (EXS) – pupils working within the ARE and achieving expectations for the term

Working Towards Standard (WTS) – pupils working within the ARE but not yet achieving expectations for the term OR pupils working within the ARE of the previous year

Greater Depth Standard (GD) – pupils working within the ARE and exceeding the expectations for the term

Below Standard (BLW) – pupils working within the ARE of a year group 2 or more years below their current year

NB:  For pupils working Below Standard (BLW), small steps of progress are assessed (see SEND)


Data is collected on a termly basis and analysed through Pupil Progress meetings.


Assessment in other subjects

Curriculum Learner Profiles are in place for all of the other subject areas which focus on progression of skills and knowledge related to Programmes of Study for the relevant year groups/ phases. The profiles ensures that children are taught a variety of skills and knowledge in all the different subjects, ensuring that our children have access to a broad and balanced curriculum during their time at St Luke's. Assessments are completed at the end of each topic, which are monitored by the Subject Team Leader.


Assessment in Early Years

Children in Nursery and Reception are assessed against the Early Years Profile through observation, dialogue and evidence gathered over time.

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