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Our Governors

Our Governing Body & Committee Structure 2024/2025

The body that appoints the Governors is:

  • Foundation Governors are appointed by St Luke's Church PCC / Lichfield Diocese

  • Parent Governors are appointed by Parents/Carers

  • LA Governor appointed by LA

  • Staff Governors appointed by staff


Governors Committee Structure (2024-2025) updated 04.10.jpg

Voting Rights:

All Governors except Alison Smith have voting rights on their committees.


Register of Interests (Business & Finance):

Mrs A Grennan (Headteacher): School Governor & Director of Connected Partnership
Miss Y Fairlough: Member of St Luke's Church who use community facilities every Sunday.
Rev Espin-Bradley: Trustee of Irish Church Missions; Midlands Gospel Partnership. Vicar of St Luke's Church who use community facilities every Sunday.

Rev A Foluso Adedipe, Miss Y Fairclough & Mr G Njoku: Members of St Luke's Church who use the Community facilities every Sunday


Relationships with Governors or members of St Luke's:

Mr A Chhabra is the spouse of staff member.


No Governors govern at any other educational establishments. 

Governor Attendance 2023-2024
Governor Attendance 2022-2023
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