Teaching of Reading
Welcome to the St Luke’s Reading page!
At St. Luke’s we understand and foster the importance of early language acquisition. English unites the important core skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening and enhances the ability to use and understand both oral and written language to communicate. The development of English skills enables young people to access the whole curriculum and good communication skills improve future life chances. We aim to ensure that the needs of every child are identified and the sequence of phonics and reading lessons are pitched correctly to promote excellent progress in reading for all pupils. All staff, children and governors promote a love of reading throughout the curriculum and children are encouraged to read frequently and widely using the vast amount of books the school has to offer in the many reading areas across the school.
Reading and the enjoyment of books is an integral part of each day at St. Luke’s and our overall aim is that all children leave St. Luke’s confident and successful readers with a lifelong passion for reading. All our staff at St. Luke’s have a strong desire to nurture a love of reading and this can been seen throughout all elements of the curriculum at St. Luke’s.
The hope of this page is to direct you to some key information, useful resources and strategies to support your child in their lifelong skill of reading:
· Support with teaching synthetic phonics using Read Write Inc. Please see the sway below and parent support booklets for teaching of the sounds
· Please support your child with reading at home each week and sign their home reading record as many times as you can. Please use St. Luke’s guide to writing relevant comments in your child’s reading record
· Please view the sway below that shows the texts studied within school for each year group (this is updated frequently)
· Click on the links below for each year group to see recommended books to read or share that are suitable for all ages
· Useful reading websites are also shown on this page; such as the Ruth Miskin You Tube page and Oxford Owl
Throughout the year, there are many celebrations of reading such as Roald Dahl Focus week, Poetry Day, World Book Day and Reading after school clubs.
Reading ambassadors in KS2 support special celebrations, support the running of the library and strive to support passion for reading across the school. As well as all this, Reading Champions are celebrated half-termly during whole school celebrate and praise and are awarded book prizes. All children are encouraged to share and talk about books in their classes and groups. How else can children discover new and exciting books! See below some of the recommended books by our very own reading ambassadors.
Teaching of Reading
Pseudo Words
Parent Booklets
Phonic and Parent Workshops
How To Support Your Child With Early Reading in EYFS
How to Support your Child with Reading at Home
Reading at home is of vital importance for all children. Just 10 minutes a day will mean that your child's reading will improve. All children across the school are sent home with a reading record as seen in the picture above and we are asking that the child's reading records is signed at least 3 times a week by an adult/older sibling. Attached below are documents that will help support you in writing in your child's reading records (these have also been sent home with your child's reading book). Each time you read with your child you could focus on a different area each time: your child's engagement, fluency and expression, word reading and their comprehension. Also, below are some parent comment WAGOLLs that will help support you writing in your child's reading record.
Year Group Texts
Recommended Books for each Year Group
Useful Links to Help Support Your Child with Reading
Please click the link below: