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Welcome Back!

Welcome back and I hope that you all had a good break over Easter, returning back to school refreshed and ready for our final term of 2017-18. We have lots of exciting things to look forward to again this term.

In Nursery and Reception, the children will be experiencing many different activities particularly focusing around the children’s interests. They will also be making use of the gardening area outside of Nursery. Right up my street is Year 1’s topic and they will be learning about the local area of Blakenhall and comparing it to a different locality, the seaside and a country. The children will hopefully be visiting the seaside later on this term. Year 2’s topic for this term is Around the world in 80 days; the children will be studying continents and oceans, learning about Christopher Columbus, developing their mapwork skills and many of the children will be participating in the Kingswood residential.

In Key Stage 2, 'Wolverhampton—Bostin ay it!' is the topic for Year 3. The children will be learning about the geographical area of Wolverhampton, how it is a city, the history of Wolverhampton and the impact that our city has had on the rest of the country! The children have already visited The Molineux and will be going to the Black Country Living Museum later in the term. Year 4’s topic is From East to West! The children will be studying Poland and Brazil, looking at where these countries are in the world and how the two countries are different. As part of their topic, the children will be visiting the Botanical Gardens. In year 5, the topic is ‘River deep, Mountain high’ as the children learn about rivers and mountains in both the UK and Europe. They will study the water cycle and how both rivers and mountains are formed. As part of the topic, the children will be visiting Carding Mill Valley. 'Here, there and everywhere' is Year 6’s topic this term. The children will be learning about North America, looking at music and food and also, learning about natural disasters.

And of course there will be lots of different visits and activities to look forward to: Year 4 residential to Colomendy; Year 2 residential to Kingswood; Health & S

ports Week and Sports Day towards the end of term! Another exciting term at St Luke’s!


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St. Luke's Primary School,

Park Street South, Blakenhall

Wolverhampton, WV2 3AE

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Tel: 01902 556434

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