Good evening everyone, following the latest Local Authority advice regarding infection rates in the City and our ultimate aim to keep everyone in our St Luke's family as safe as possible, our school will be closed next week to most children.
Tomorrow, Monday 4th January 2021 is an INSET day and school is closed to all children.
From Tuesday 5th January, school will only be open for Vulnerable children and children of Critical Key Workers (the link to the list is in the letter which has been sent to you all).
We are sorry for any distress, inconvenience and frustration this may cause but Governors and the School Leadership team have been waiting for an update from the City Council before reaching a decision, which is a very difficult one for us to make.
We will be sending out more information tomorrow regarding 'Home Learning' and also, Free School Meals, etc.
Thank you as always for your continued support and understanding at this difficult time; this is not the start to 2021 that we were all hoping and praying for. Please remember that we can get through this together,
God Bless and Stay safe, Mrs Grennan
