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Language Focus Day

At St Luke’s, we are extremely proud of our diverse community. In our school, there are over 35 languages and we celebrated this by having a special ‘Language Focus Day’ on Thursday 24th May.

During the day, children looked into the languages spoken by children and families in St Luke’s. They found out about the culture, language, music, food, clothing, geography, history and art for the following languages: Punjabi, Polish, Mandarin, British Sign Language, Shona, Igbo, Patois, Kurdish & Persian. Each year group had a different language to learn about.

At the end of the day, we had a 'Celebration Assembly' which parents/carers attended and the children showcased what they had learned throughout the day - this included singing, dancing and artwork. It was a wonderful day and we hope that our school will soon become an accredited School of Sanctuary; this is a school that is committed to being a safe and welcoming place for all, where everyone is equal and a valued member of the school community. A school that is proud to be a place of safety and inclusion for all.


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